What services does Health Emporium offer?
Health Emporium provides a wide range of services, including medical and dental care, dining, beauty, IT and cell phone repairs, laundry services, beauty and hair services, printing services, training and education, grocery and food market, and a liquor store.
Can I find detailed information about the health services available at Health Emporium?
Yes, Health Emporium offers detailed information about health services, including general practitioners, laboratory services, optometrists, dentists, gynaecologists, physiotherapy, X-rays, pharmacies, and even relationship coaching.
How can I explore the businesses within Health Emporium?
Each business within Health Emporium has a dedicated page providing information such as store name, description, contact's name, telephone number, and email address. You can explore the businesses by visiting their respective pages.
Is there a list of businesses available at Health Emporium?
Yes, a comprehensive list of businesses, along with their contact details, is provided on the website. This includes health services, dining options, technology and repairs, laundry services, beauty and hair services, printing services, training and education, grocery and food market, and a liquor store.
How can I stay updated on special offers and promotions at Health Emporium?
Special Offers and Promotions from the businesses within Health Emporium will be posted on our Facebook Page.
How can I contact Health Emporium for general enquiries?
You can contact Health Emporium through the provided telephone number (011 805 9023) or via email at glenda@healthemporium.co.za. Additionally, there is a contact form on the website.